Saturday, October 27, 2012


One of the most important things kiddy noticed when she was reading about webservices is WSDL .So here's what managed to get inside kiddy's head :)

WSDL is Web Service Description Language which based on XML.It is platform and language independent.
A WSDL document describes a webservice. Using this description client can locate a webservice and invoke its available functions.This Document consists of several parts which describe a webservice.

  • port type : describes a web service,define a group of operations that it can be performed
  • message  : message parameter or message return values[data being communicated]
  • types       : data types that are used by the web service
  • binding    : provides specific details on how a port type operations will actually be transmittered over     the wire[via HTTP Get, HTTP Post or SOAP]

WSDL supports four basic patterns of operation such as,

  • one-way
  • request-response
  • solicit-response
  • notification

Following diagram illustrates above mentioned operation patterns

In brief, WSDL represent a contract between service request[client] and service provider[web server]which enables individuals or businesses to access services offered by other businesses.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Port Numbers

Here kiddy has shared things she found on port numbers. Take a look and feel free to add something. J

A computer or program connects to something else in the internet via a port. Purpose of ports is to uniquely identify different applications running on a single computer and thereby enable them to share a single physical connection like internet. In other words, they help to distinguish different services on a server.

Any server machine makes its service available to the internet using numbered ports, one for each service that is available on the server. For example: MySQL server would typically be available on port 3306.As a result of this client can connect to a service at a specific IP address and on a specific port.

When the server accepts connection on a port from the outside world, that particular client can connect to the port from anywhere on the internet and use service. This enables communication between different applications and therefore make possible for developers to reuse services instead of writing new ones.

There are 3 types of ports.
0-1023 well known ports
1024-49151 Registered
49152-65536 Dynamic ports

In brief, Port number and user’s IP address combine into the ‘Who does What’ information kept by every internet service provider.


Friday, April 13, 2012

New comer

yes,i'm new to blogging.First of all i would like to wish u "සුභ අලුත් අවුරැද්දක් වේවා".I never thought to share my ideas in a place like this,but suddenly i came up with an idea to try something new.So i chose BLOGGING to start this new year in little bit different we go.....................................