One of the most important things kiddy noticed when she was reading about webservices is WSDL .So here's what managed to get inside kiddy's head :)
WSDL is Web Service Description Language which based on XML.It is platform and language independent.
A WSDL document describes a webservice. Using this description client can locate a webservice and invoke its available functions.This Document consists of several parts which describe a webservice.
- port type : describes a web service,define a group of operations that it can be performed
- message : message parameter or message return values[data being communicated]
- types : data types that are used by the web service
- binding : provides specific details on how a port type operations will actually be transmittered over the wire[via HTTP Get, HTTP Post or SOAP]
WSDL supports four basic patterns of operation such as,
- one-way
- request-response
- solicit-response
- notification
Following diagram illustrates above mentioned operation patterns
In brief, WSDL represent a contract between service request[client] and service provider[web server]which enables individuals or businesses to access services offered by other businesses.